Tips from the field

Adventures abound during Active Aging Week 2015 There are many reasons why Active Aging Week® benefits older adults, as well as the organizations and individuals who host events. For participants, trying something new and different (or experiencing a new twist on a regular activity) is not only good for the brain, but also the spirit. When Active Aging Week events are announced, people anticipate what will occur, and reach out to family and friends to join in. New acquaintances and social participation usually accompany the events provided. All of these benefits were reflected in the theme of Active Aging Week 2015: Live your adventure. View detail

Active Aging Week: Theme days expand options Living well in later life: It’s this vision for older adults everywhere that inspires the International Council on Active Aging® and the ICAA community to strive to change the way we age. Active Aging Week® is a key avenue for outreach. The campaign website offers support materials to assist host organizations as they plan and promote their participation. Local event organizers will find additional resources and tools with Active Aging Week theme days. View detail

Active Aging Week 2015: resources for running a successful campaign The last week of September is one of the most exciting times of the year for the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) and the ICAA community. Thousands of organizations join together to participate in Active Aging Week. This health-promotion campaign calls attention to and wholeheartedly celebrates the positivity of aging. With hosts starting to plan their 2015 celebrations, ICAA recently ramped up its efforts with a new, dedicated and resource-rich campaign website. View detail

It takes a community: Westminster Village sets a world record during Active Aging Week 2014 At Westminster Village in West Lafayette, Indiana, Active Aging Week 2014 had an audacious goal: Set a new Guinness World Record for the number of people participating in a chair-based exercise class. The record-breaking attempt fit the theme of the September health-promotion event--"Let the adventure begin." It also fit the community and its goals. View detail

Active Aging Week 2014 hosted many adventures The theme for Active Aging Week 2014, "Let the adventure begin," proved to be a kick-starter for the resourceful hosts and engaged older adults who joined in the weeklong observance. Held each year during the last week of September, Active Aging Week helps spread the message that adults ages 50 and older are fully participating members of society, while promoting the benefits of leading an active, healthier lifestyle. And spread the message they did. View detail

Active Aging Week 2015: living the adventure of life Initiated by the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA), Active Aging Week takes place each year during the last week of September. The weeklong campaign calls attention to and wholeheartedly celebrates the positivity of aging today. It showcases the capabilities of older adults as fully participating members of society and spotlights the role models that lead the way. For event hosts, a featured theme suggests a focus for the week’s marketing and programming. In 2015, Active Aging Week picks up from last year’s distinctive and popular theme, "Let the adventure begin," to exhort professionals and participants to "Live your adventure." View detail

A sense of discovery highlights Active Aging Week 2013 A community is a group of people who have the same interests, or who are located in the same geographic area. A community also is a fellowship of people, united by shared beliefs and values. All these meanings intertwined in 2013 during Active Aging Week®, the annual health promotion event led by the International Council on Active Aging®. View detail

Discover the possibilities of Active Aging Week When older adults discover active aging, they discover an approach to aging that recognizes people can live as fully as possible regardless of age or health conditions. The active-aging philosophy emphasizes what individuals can do, rather than what they can’t. It also celebrates society’s older members as full participants in the cultural, civic and personal domains of life. Each year, through Active Aging Week, organizations across North America encourage age 50-plus adults to be active and lead heathier, more vital lives, providing a wealth of wellness opportunities for them to explore. These organizations take part in the health promotion event for any number of reasons. Among them is the chance to make a difference and help older adults improve their quality of life. View detail