September 30 -
October 6, 2024


Celebrating aging and the benefits of active living at any age, Active Aging Week showcases the capabilities of older adults as fully participating members of society. This campaign also spotlights role models that lead the way. Learn how you can join with thousands of Active Aging Week supporters to help change the way we age.


Highgate Senior Living

Tell us what you did during Active Aging Week to redefine the term "Active."

By definition, "Active" means to do energetic work. Throughout our Active Aging Week, we engaged the residents in getting out of their comfort zone or re-engaging in a past sport that they loved. The purpose of Active Aging Week is to give residents opportunities to engage energetically in fun that they might not otherwise do without the encouragement of their community. Active Aging Week is also a time for team members to step out of their comfort zone as well. An example of this is our Healthcare Director leading residents on an adventure to eat KingKong Korean BBQ. The week showcased activities ranging from science projects, food preparation and competition as well as athletic pursuits. Each team member also spent quality time one-on-one with a resident of their choice to deepen the connections in the community. Active Aging Week was encompassed by our five core values: Innovation, Leadership, Integrity, Energy and Devotion. We planned our week with these five values as the foundation because we believe this helps residents and team members alike to expand their purpose and see themselves from a new perspective.
