Celebrating aging and the benefits of active living at any age, Active Aging Week showcases the capabilities of older adults as fully participating members of society. This campaign also spotlights role models that lead the way. Learn how you can join with thousands of Active Aging Week supporters to help change the way we age.
Tell us what you did during Active Aging Week to redefine the term "Active."
In each of our All Seasons and Monark Grove Clarkston communities in Michigan, we celebrated the 2024 Paris Olympics with games of our own! Residents and staff from across the state met at each community to compete in games for all abilities in the spirit of healthy competition, friendship, and wellness. Events exercised physical and mental agility, and included javelin, volleyball, pickleball, euchre and poker tournaments, trivia competitions, scavenger hunts, and bocce ball. We held Medal Ceremonies after each event, and cheered our champions on! We had a Storytelling corner where we collected residents’ most dramatic and memorable Sports Stories from their histories and compiled them into a booklet, which we also shared with their loved ones. We also welcomed Nature Educators from our local Science Center, who taught us about the vulnerable creatures in our ecosystems and the importance of the Environmental dimension of wellness. We capped the week off with a Sock Hop Dance and Classic Car Show, where residents, staff, and family members enjoyed intergenerational relationship-building on the dance floor! We met new friends, burned some calories, and had a ton of fun! For more information visit: www.allseasonsliving.com and www.monarkgroveclarkston.com.