September 30 -
October 6, 2024


Celebrating aging and the benefits of active living at any age, Active Aging Week showcases the capabilities of older adults as fully participating members of society. This campaign also spotlights role models that lead the way. Learn how you can join with thousands of Active Aging Week supporters to help change the way we age.


Tell us what you did during Active Aging Week to redefine the term "Active."

We kicked off an exciting Active Aging Week with our Oktoberfest with musical guests Strange Brew Band who had toes tapping, hands clapping, and everyone singing along with their collection of fan favourites. Next, we explored volunteering opportunities with our Kamloops Community Volunteer Services Society to learning about the birding community in Kamloops with the Kamloops Naturalist Club. Our Berwick Trail Blazers hit the trail at the West Highlands Park where we saw amazing city views! We were happy to host a resident passion project afternoon where residents shared a few of their favourite rocks from their collection and the stories of where they found them along their travels.
