September 30 -
October 6, 2024


Celebrating aging and the benefits of active living at any age, Active Aging Week showcases the capabilities of older adults as fully participating members of society. This campaign also spotlights role models that lead the way. Learn how you can join with thousands of Active Aging Week supporters to help change the way we age.


Tell us what you did during Active Aging Week to redefine the term "Active."

"The best wealth is good health" that is our motto this year. we completed events each day at the recreation center, we got t-shirts made, painted ceramics for creative expression, pickleball clinic for physical activity, have various presenters including a smoothie company come in to talk about nutrition, a therapy dog program talk about isolation and importance of socialization, and a physical therapy clinic as well who lead demos of functional exercise. We ended the week discussing our favorite events goals for next year while having a luncheon.
