October 6 –
October 12, 2025


Celebrating aging and the benefits of active living at any age, Active Aging Week showcases the capabilities of older adults as fully participating members of society. This campaign also spotlights role models that lead the way. Learn how you can join with thousands of Active Aging Week supporters to help change the way we age.


Tell us what you did during Active Aging Week to redefine the term "Active."

Heisinger Bluffs...Often individuals believe actively aging means getting in an adequate amount of exercise. However, at Heisinger Bluffs, residents actively aged the whole month of October by participating in a variety of activities across the dimensions of Wellness. Residents enjoyed the idea of actively aging so much that we extended Active Aging Week to Active Aging Month. Some of the activities provided were dementia, fall prevention and color psychology classes, a scavenger hunt, mystery of the Active Ager Social, brain games, and a comedy show. The mission was to provide activities that could enhance quality of life no matter where the individuals are on their wellness journey.
